The Bombers are certainly not writing off playoff hopes; but they need to start helping themselves now!
Sure, in a 9 team league where 6 teams make the payoffs you can get some help from other teams. But that is certainly not something to count on.

It is far to early to work through all the permutations of the remaining games in the CFL and how that could impact the Bombers, so I will not go there. Instead, using the good old ‘eye-ball test’ we can see that third place for the Bombers is not outside the realm of possibilities…but they have to win games to get there. Saturday night vs Toronto would be a really good start.
But who will the Bombers face starting at quarterback for Toronto? At the time of writing this article that was still unknown.

It seems like an eternity ago that Chad Kelly was suspended. Part of what makes it seem so long ago is that Dukes has gone 3-3, so Kelly is almost forgotten about by those that are not Toronto fans.
So I will lead with this, should Chad Kelly play? Should the CFL let him play? Should Toronto let him play? (Again, all of this is being written before we know who will start for them at quarterback).
But if you hear what Toronot’s Head Coach is saying, and read between the lines, it sounds like if Chad Kelly is ready to play, they will start him.
I find that interesting, because I have yet to see a report that states Kelly is eligible to play. My understanding is that this was not ‘Serve 9 games and Kelly is automatically allowed to play.’ Rather, it sounded like there would still be an assessment by the league, and to my knowledge that has not happened.
Before I move on from Kelly, I want you to tell me in the comments (wherever you are reading this) if Kelly should be allowed to come back and play.
Janarion Grant
The Bombers are going to need to stop this guy if they are going to win. I understand that the Bombers released Grant, and that Grant had injuries last year. But, man, I wonder if they are second guessing that thought! Winnipeg, has not yet found a kick returner that can consistently perform for them.
Luck Whithead
Why the Bombers have not put this guy on kick returns absolutely is mind-boggling! Maybe they do, maybe they do not have room for him as a receiver (although I would argue after only putting up 9 points last game and a lot of drops…there should be room for him).
“When you are at the top there is only one place to go“
I had a great impromptu conversation with a staff member of the Calgary Stampeders. he reminded me of that reality, and how Calgary went through it. The Bombers certainly will not be at the top of the league at the end of the regular season, but as another saying goes, ‘It isn’t how you start, it is how you finish.”
What The Bombers Need To Do To Win
These are not the powerhouse Bombers that they used to be. So far, in 2024, they have not shown that they can come back and win games.
1) The Bombers need to play with the lead! If they go down 3 or 7 points, they can come back. But if they go down 10 points, I am not cnvinced.
2) The Bombers need to get more out of Zach!
3) The Bombers need to find a way to execute! They said so much this week. It does not matter how it looks. It could lok different each week; like 2 games ago when Ontaria Wilson stepped up. But they haave to find ways.
4) The Bombers need to work with the pieces they have.

They often work with the mentality of ‘Next man up.” Well, it is time for players to step up!
5) The Bombers have not proved that they are good enough to come back from turnovers and penalties. Just last game, Demski fumbled the ball the quench all hopes of a comeback. That has to stop!
How do you think the Bombers do on Saturday vs. Toronto?
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