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Saskatchewan Roughriders Face Quarterback Uncertainty: Mason Fine Injury Update and What’s Next for the CFL Team

The Saskatchewan Roughriders’ recent loss to the Montreal Alouettes isn’t the only thing plaguing the team at the moment. In what turned out to be a disastrous Friday night, the Roughriders may have lost more than just the game. Mason Fine, their 26-year-old quarterback, sustained a potential hamstring injury during the contest, adding further questions to the quarterback position that has already been marred by injuries this season.

Mason Fine’s Injury – A Closer Look

During the game, Fine was seen limping after attempting to slide for a first down. The painful incident led him to the sideline, and he did not return for the rest of the night. Initial reports indicate a right hamstring injury, with head coach Craig Dickenson expressing optimism that it won’t be a long-term concern.

Fine’s season stats:

  • 87 completions for 998 yards
  • Three touchdowns
  • Four interceptions over eight games

Jake Dolegala – The Next Man Up

With Fine’s potential absence, Riders’ backup Jake Dolegala will have to step up. In a post-game interview, Dolegala acknowledged the pressure, stating, “Obviously it sucks for Mason to go down, but that’s my job as a backup to be ready.” Dolegala completed the game after Fine’s exit, and though his performance was not spectacular, he remains the likely candidate to start should Fine miss any time.

A Troubled Season at Quarterback

Fine had taken over the Riders’ starting job from Trevor Harris, who suffered a season-ending injury earlier in the campaign. If Fine’s injury leads to missed time, the Roughriders could be down to their third quarterback, raising significant concerns about depth at the most critical offensive position.

Coach Dickenson hinted at a potential two-to-three-week absence for Fine.

The Game’s Impact

While the injury was the headline, the game itself was notable for its unexpected turns. It was expected to be a face-off between Cody Fajardo and Mason Fine, but injuries changed those plans, with Caleb Evans starting against Dolegala. The Alouettes capitalized on a quick start, ultimately outclassing the Riders in every phase, leaving Saskatchewan with a 41-12 defeat and more questions than answers.

Moving Forward

With a crucial game against the B.C. Lions coming up on Sunday, August 20, the Riders’ quarterback situation remains in flux. If Fine’s injury sidelines him, Dolegala, who led the Riders to a loss in Week 7 of the 2022 season, will likely lead the charge. Coach Dickenson still expresses confidence in his team, but acknowledged they need to improve.

As the CFL continues to heat up, the Mason Fine injury adds another twist to a Roughriders’ season filled with challenges. The impact of Fine’s potential absence, coupled with existing quarterback troubles, will test the team’s resilience and adaptability. For Roughriders’ fans and anyone watching the CFL standings closely, the coming weeks will offer significant insights into the team’s depth, determination, and ability to bounce back from adversity.

Only time will tell if they can overcome this setback and regain their place in the CFL scores and standings.

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Mark Perry Editor
Mark Perry is the founder and editor of CFL News Hub. A dedicated and experienced football analyst, he has been providing comprehensive coverage of the sport since 2018.
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