Bomber fans are experiencing something new; being excited about a 2 game win streak. In the last four seasons a two game win streak would just be routine. Yet 2024, has been anything but routine for the Bombers.
Despite missing some players that are still injured, the Bombers found a way to win.
The offence was not perfect, with Collaros throwing two interceptions. (Some say the first interception was tipped at the line of scrimmage; I think it was a poorly thrown ball that was wobbling and just missed being tipped).
And near the end of the game there was a play that worked out, and put the Bombers up by 4 (Winnipeg going for a 2 point convert instead of the single point after). Because it worked, Winnipeg now has the tie breaker against Calgary if they should end up in the same spot at the end of the season.
But consider this, if it did not work the Bombers would be siting at 1-5. So I am not considering that play for the Game Ball nor the Jock; it just is what is is.
Game Ball
We do not need any lead in, nor hype. The Game Ball most certainly goes to Ontaria Wilson for catching 13/16 balls thrown his way with one touchdown and a total of 201 yards receiving.
Earlier in the season, Wilson looked lost. And with the Bombers bringing in Lucky Whitehead, guys were closer to losing their job. Suffice it to say, Wilson has earned himself a lot more leash!
— Winnipeg Blue Bombers (@Wpg_BlueBombers) July 13, 2024
There are two candidates in the running for this award. The first option is Canadian Jalen Philpot who cannot figure out that you should stand for the Canadian national anthem! While the rest of the team stood, he sat on the bike and pedaled. I really do not care what the temperature, nor the humidity is. You pay respect to the national anthem.
I want to end the conversation there and give him the jock for his display of disrespect. But there are other things I must mention.
Bomber’s Head Coach Mike O’Shea must certainly be in the running for challenging a play where the result of the play was a loss of 2 yards. To his credit, Mike O’Shea owns the bad challenge play.
For those that do not recall the play here is what happened. The Bombers make a pass to Demski who catches the ball but the whistle goes as the trail official (furthest from the play) thinks it was an incomplete pass. The Bombers have two options at that point. Let the call on the field stand, or challenge for a completed pass. The only problem is that Demski caught the ball two yards behind the line of scrimmage. So the Bombers win the challenge…but lose two yards.
What should have happened is that the officials should have let the play finished and either got help from Command Centre of leave it to a team to challenge. Because after the whistle is blown, no forward progress can be awarded. Blowing the whistle by the furthest referee is the last thing that should happen.
The irony in this is it is the exact opposite of what happened earlier in the year, when the refs did not blow the whistle on a late clock start; and the Bombers did not get another play.
So that play, or that official could be the Jock.
But I have to give the Jock to Jalen Philpot for his lack of respect for the national anthem, as that is the larger misstep!
What do you think? Let me know in the comments section wherever you are reading this.