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PR: Hec Crighton Nominees Ford, Machart Headline 2021 U Sports East-west Bowl Roster Recognitions

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 — TORONTO (May 12, 2021) – Waterloo Warriors quarterback Tre Ford and Saskatchewan Huskies running back Adam Machart highlight the 2021 East-West Bowl roster recognitions announced jointly Wednesday by U SPORTS and the Canadian Football League (CFL).

The roster recognitions celebrate the next generation of top Canadian football prospects, with 110 U SPORTS-eligible standouts identified for the 2022 CFL Draft, following completion of the 2021 Draft on May 4. 

For the next year, players from both squads will vie for coveted spots on the CFL Scouting Bureau Top 20 Prospects List – published in the Fall, Winter and Spring – before showcasing their skills through virtual or in-person regional and national combines in advance of the Draft this time next year.

“We’re excited to unveil the next top draft-eligible prospects in partnership with the CFL,” said Lisette Johnson-Stapley, Chief Sport Officer at U SPORTS. “Although we are not able to hold the East-West Bowl again this spring due to the ongoing pandemic, we wanted to honour the 2022 class for their dedication over the past year and look forward to hopefully watching them safely return to the gridiron this Fall.”

Ford, a Second Team All-Canadian in 2019, was named the 2018 OUA Player of the Year, while Machart earned 2019 CW Player of the Year and First Team All-Canadian honours. Both players were finalists for the Hec Crighton Trophy as U SPORTS regular season MVP.

Besides Ford and Machart, the roster recognitions includes several other national and conference major award winners and nominees, All-Canadians and All-Stars.

“The CFL thanks the Canadian University Football Coaches Association for their collaboration and dedication in selecting the top draft-eligible prospects in U SPORTS,” said CFL Associate Vice President, Football Operations, Ryan Janzen. “The process of preparing for the 2022 CFL Draft begins now and our teams are looking forward to evaluating all players in the months ahead.”

All 27 U SPORTS football teams are represented by at least three players, with Alberta, Laurier, McGill and Queen’s leading all schools with six selections each.

Team West is mostly made up of players from Canada West (CW) and Ontario University Athletics (OUA) schools, except Carleton, Ottawa and Queen’s, which are named to the East squad. The rest of Team East features players from Atlantic University Sport (AUS) and Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec (RSEQ) schools.


East Team

Pos.First NameLast NameSchoolHometownProgram
DBChrisCiguineauOttawaMontreal, Que.Accounting
DBTristanFleuryMcGillDeux-Montagnes, Que.Kinesiology
DBMarkensValcourtMcGillÎle Bizard, Que.Industrial Relations
DBAdrianGreeneSaint Mary'sToronto, Ont.Arts
DBKhadeemPierreConcordiaOttawa, Ont.Sociology
DBDerekAcheampongConcordiaLaval, Que.Human Relations
DBEthanMastinStFXChilliwack, B.C.Arts
DBBrunoLagacéMontrealMontreal, Que.Business Admin.
DBJakeKellyBishop'sMarkham, Ont.Sports Studies
DBMaxymLavalléeLavalGatineau, Que.Sports Intervention
DLMichaelPezzutoOttawaMontreal, Que.Accounting
DLJoshuaArchibaldMcGillMontreal, Que.Economics
DLMalickSylvainConcordiaLa Prairie, Que.Philosophy
DLKyleChappusAcadiaBlack River, N.S.Science
DLAlexFedchunStFXCalgary, Alta.Human Kinetics
DLSandorModCarletonWelland, Ont.Law
DLPhilippeLemieux-CardinalMontrealMontreal, Que.Kinesiology
DLAnthonyFedericoQueen'sNiagara Falls, Ont.Arts & Science
DLReeceMartinMount AllisonMoncton, N.B.Arts
DLVincenzoFrangioneMount AllisonOttawa, Ont.Psychology
KLouisTardifSherbrookeQuebec City, Que.Computer Eng.
KJamesParkerMount AllisonAbbotsford, B.C.Psychology
LBFranckKemayouAcadiaToronto, Ont.Arts
LBLouisCavanaghCarletonLaval, Que.Neuroscience
LBLiamPattonBishop'sThornhill, Ont.Politics & Intl. Studies
LBFrédéricPongoLavalQuebec City, Que.Communication
LBAlexandreParéMcGillNeuville, Que.Kinesiology
LBGabrielBoucherQueen'sMontreal, Que.Arts & Science
LBNolanBedardQueen'sMontreal, Que.Commerce
OLJamesdu ManoirOttawaCoburg, Ont.Criminology
OLAnthonyVandalSherbrookeSorel-Tracy, Que.Administration
OLJustinAmessanSherbrookeMontreal, Que.Mechanical Eng.
OLGregorMacKellarStFXTimberlea, N.S.Business Admin.
OLCharlesLavalléeCarletonMoncton, N.B.Arts
OLJacobButlerQueen'sChilliwack, B.C.Engineering
OLAndyGenoisLavalQuebec City, Que.Civil Eng.
OLMarc-AntoineHoudeMontrealDrummondville, Que.Investigation & Intelligence
QBDimitriSinodinosMcGillLaval, Que.Electrical Eng.
QBDimitriMorandMontrealAylmer, Que.Communication Sciences
RBColeEstabrooksAcadiaMoncton, N.B.Kinesiology
RBRyth-JeanGiraudMontrealLaval, Que.Arts & Sciences
RBRasheedTuckerQueen'sToronto, Ont.Business
RBAdamWilliamsTorontoOshawa, Ont.Kinesiology
RBJoshuaFergusonCarletonSt. Catharines, Ont.Sociology
WRShedlerFerviusSaint Mary'sScarborough, Ont.Psychology
WRBrycenMayohSaint Mary'sPort Coquitlam, B.C.Open Studies
WRNolanLovegroveTorontoAurora, Ont.Political Science
WRDanielDiodatiTorontoEtobicoke, Ont.Sociology
WRCoreyWilliamsBishop'sMontreal, Que.Sports Studies
WRVincentForbes-MombleauLavalQuebec City, Que.Sports Intervention
TEMaksDuricTorontoBurlington, Ont.Sociology
WRKeatonBruggelingCarletonSt. Catharines, Ont.Environmental Studies
WRSakhiaKwemoQueen'sMontreal, Que.Sciences
WRAntoineDansereaux-LeclercLavalLongueuil, Que.Business Admin.
WRPearceDumayMcGillMontreal, Que.Physical & Health Ed.

West Team

Pos.First NameLast NameSchoolHometownProgram
DBTyrellFordWaterlooNiagara Falls, Ont.Recreation & Leisure
DBMatthewLucyshynCalgaryCalgary, Alta.Engineering
DBJaxonFordReginaRegina, Sask.Kinesiology & Health Studies
DBCharlieRinglandSaskatchewanWinnipeg, Man.Arts & Science
DBMarcelArruda-WelchManitobaWinnipeg, Man.Undeclared
DBDannyValente Jr.WesternLondon, Ont.King’s College
DBJaydenDalkeAlbertaLeduc, Alta.Business
DBJordanVeltriLaurierBurlington, Ont.Business
DBJosiahSchakelAlbertaSherwood Park, Alta.Business
DLKwadwoBoahenYorkCalgary, Alta.Political Science
DLJeremyKapelanski-LamoureuxGuelphBlainville, Que.Management Economics & Finance
DLDonovanBurgmaierAlbertaSherwood Park, Alta.Native Studies
DLRyanLederMcMasterHamilton, Ont.Kinesiology
DLDeionteKnightWesternAjax, Ont.Arts & Humanities
DLZackSuskoWindsorWindsor, Ont.Business
DLColeAdamsonManitobaWinnipeg, Man.Arts
DLNathanCherrySaskatchewanSaskatoon, Sask.Business
DLJacobPlamondonCalgaryRed Deer, Alta.Arts
KDavidSolieSaskatchewanSaskatoon, Sask.Arts & Science
PDanteMastrogiuseppeYorkLondon, Ont.Political Science
LBDawsonDavisYorkAbbotsford, B.C.Kinesiology & Health Science
LBMattDeanYorkOshawa, Ont.Business & Society
LBJackHinspergerWaterlooWaterloo, Ont.Arts & Science
LBTommyBringiLaurierLondon, Ont.Psychology
LBRyderVargaReginaRegina, Sask.Engineering & Applied Science
LBJaxonCiraolo-BrownUBCHamilton, Ont.Arts
LBDanialKwamouUBCCalgary, Alta.Arts
LBNateEdwardsMcMasterAncaster, Ont.Commerce
LBNickThomasManitobaSurrey, B.C.Arts
LBMitchRooneyLaurierCarlisle, Ont.Political Science
LBSubomiOyesoroCalgaryCalgary, Alta.Arts
OLSpencerMastersonGuelphRichmond Hill, Ont.Criminal Justice & Public Policy
OLRodeemBrownAlbertaHalifax, N.S.Kinesiology Sport & Rec.
OLBraydonNollLaurierOrangeville, Ont.Psychology
OLNoahZerrSaskatchewanLangenburg, Sask.Kinesiology
OLZachFryWesternLondon, Ont.Social Sciences
OLSpencerHoodWesternIlderton, Ont.King’s College
OLIbrahimHassounWindsorHamilton, Ont.Biochemistry
OLSpencerAndrewsWaterlooWaterloo, Ont.Recreation & Leisure
OLPeterKozushkaAlbertaYorkton, Sask.Business
QBTreFordWaterlooNiagara Falls, Ont.Recreation & Leisure
QBConnorCaruselloLaurierCaledonia, Ont.Arts
RBJonathanRoseryAlbertaEdmonton, Alta.Arts
RBAdamMachartSaskatchewanSaskatoon, Sask.Kinesiology
RBTedKubongoUBCCalgary, Alta.Arts
RBJusticeAllinMcMasterToronto, Ont.Health, Aging & Society
WRKiondreSmithGuelphMarkham, Ont.Criminal Justice & Public Policy
WRNickPetermannLaurierHamilton, Ont.Business
WRJalenPhilpotCalgaryDelta, B.C.Arts
WRTysonPhilpotCalgaryDelta, B.C.Arts
WRBennettStusekReginaRegina, Sask.Business Admin.
WRGavinCobbManitobaVictoria, B.C.Arts
WRMatthewJamesWindsorWindsor, Ont.Criminology
TEChaseArseneauMcMasterTrabuco Canyon, Calif.Sociology
WRGordonLamWaterlooKitchener, Ont.Recreation & Leisure

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Mark Perry Editor
Mark Perry is the founder and editor of CFL News Hub. A dedicated and experienced football analyst, he has been providing comprehensive coverage of the sport since 2018.
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