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PR: CFL Board Of Governors To Initiate Search For Independent Chair

Selection Committee retains leading search firm Heidrick & Struggles

Friday, February 4, 2022 — TORONTO (February 4, 2022) — The Canadian Football League Board of Governors, following a recommendation by current Chair Dale H. Lastman, will initiate a search and appointment process to name an independent Chair to lead the Board moving forward. Lastman will remain in the role until a new Chair has been appointed.

“It was my recommendation, based on the insights gained from serving as the Chair of the CFL Board of Governors for the last two years, and as we collectively work to achieve the best governance model for the League, that an independent Chair of the Board would be our best option to accomplish that,” said Lastman. “Having successfully navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for all nine teams in 2021, and as we look to build on that success across the League in 2022, it is our shared opinion that an independent Chair will play a valuable role in that process.”

The Board has appointed a selection committee that includes Greg Yuel, Director and Lead Governor for the Saskatchewan Roughriders, John Ruddy, Lead Governor for the Ottawa REDBLACKS, and Scott Mitchell, President, and Governor for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, along with Susan Jones Bouk, Chief People Officer of the CFL league office.

It has subsequently retained Heidrick & Struggles to conduct an independent Board Chair search led by Mike Speck, Global Sector Leader, Media, Sports, and Consumer Digital, CEO, and Board Practice.

“This process certainly has my support and I look forward to working with our next Chair and our entire Board as we build the future of our league together, ” said Randy Ambrosie, Commissioner of the CFL.

Building on its successful return to play in 2021, and the sold out 108th Grey Cup played in Hamilton, Ontario, the Canadian Football League is currently preparing for its 2022 season, which kicks off Thursday June 9 and culminates on Sunday, November 20 with the 109th Grey Cup in Saskatchewan.

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Mark Perry Editor
Mark Perry is the founder and editor of CFL News Hub. A dedicated and experienced football analyst, he has been providing comprehensive coverage of the sport since 2018.
1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. David Tress

    February 4, 2022 at 1:23 pm

    The first order of business for the new Independent Chair should be to vote to raise the salary cap. The current salary cap does not give the CFL any hope of competing with the USFL for players.

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