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PR: CFL Statement On Covid-19 Testing Results

Thursday, July 15, 2021 — TORONTO (July 15, 2021) – The Canadian Football League (CFL) today released the following statement on COVID-19 testing:

Through pre-training camp and quarantine, the league administered approximately 6,000 COVID-19 tests to Tier 1 personnel, which includes players, coaches, and support staff. Those tests resulted in a total of ten individuals returning a positive test result for COVID-19. 

Five of the positive tests occurred prior to the affected individuals’ travel to their respective CFL markets; they were subsequently not allowed to travel. Please note that, on occasion, a test that comes back positive is determined to be false-positive.

Any individual that tests positive is prevented from joining or is removed from team activities, and is isolated or quarantined, in accordance with the CFL’s Return to Play Health and Safety protocol, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) protocol, and local public health protocol.

The CFL will continue to provide updates on tests administered to Tier 1 personnel. As a matter of policy, it will not identify the affected individuals or Clubs.

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Mark Perry Editor
Mark Perry is the founder and editor of CFL News Hub. A dedicated and experienced football analyst, he has been providing comprehensive coverage of the sport since 2018.
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