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European League of Football Will Expand To Munich In 2023

On Wednesday, The European League of Football (ELF) announced that their 4th expansion city for the 2023 season will be Munich, Germany. While the team’s name has not been announced yet, their social media pages are currently labeled ‘Munich Football Team.’

The Munich franchise will be the league’s 4th expansion city for the 2023 season, marking the second straight year the league has added 4 teams. The other 3 teams that will be joining the league in 2023 are the ‘Milano Seamen’ from Milan, Italy, the ‘Fehérvár Enthroners’ from Fehérvár, Hungary, and the ‘Helvetic Guards’ from Zürich, Switzerland.

European League of Football Commissioner, Patrick Esume, commented on the addition of the Munich franchise, stating,

“We have found strong partners in Munich who will add further stability to our league and are also very ambitios to form a powerful team. For us, this is an important signal both internally and externally.”

European League of Football CEO Zeljko Karajica also spoke on the addition of the Munich franchise, stating,

“On the Germany map, this closesthe circle for us. Munich is a city with a great football tradition and many enthusiastic fans. We are very pleased to be able to offer them a team in the European League of Football. This completes the expansion with German franchises for the time being.

While the league may not look to expand further in Germany, expansion further into Europe should still be expected in the coming years.

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Matt Lyons Reporter
Matt Lyons is a Writer/Contributor for XFL News Hub, USFL News Hub, & CFL News Hub, covering the XFL, USFL, ELF, and TSL since August of 2020.
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