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Latest On CFL Strike Deadline Thursday, Stamps WR Langley Suspended Following Airport Fight

CFLPA Has Till Thursday Night To Accept New CFL Proposal Or Training Camps Shut Down, Stampeders WR Brendan Langley Suspended, Arrested Following Airport Fight, United Employee Fired, CFL Pre Season Schedule and more. We talk CFL Fantasy Football from News Hub Fantasy. Plus, your social media and more.

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Mark Perry Editor
Mark Perry is the founder and editor of CFL News Hub. A dedicated and experienced football analyst, he has been providing comprehensive coverage of the sport since 2018.
1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. David Tress

    May 26, 2022 at 3:22 pm

    The players would likely vote down the CFL’s latest proposal considering there is no movement on the salary cap, the ratio, and padded practices. The salary cap should be at least $7 million per team for 2022. The fans will be patient in support of the players.

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