In case the delay has had you wishing to hear from some of your favorite personalities from the league, you can rest assured, Stamps QB Bo Levi Mitchell has you covered.
Along with Olympic Curler Ben Hebert, the pair have created The Benny and Bo Show.
The two are an unlikely pair, as Mitchell eludes to in this quote:
“When I found out he was a curler, I thought, OK, that’s a sport I’m never gonna watch.”
Bo Levi Mitchell
Bo is from Texas, and curling is not big in Texas. Football is.
“But this year I watched the entire Brier. I watched every single match that was televised. I had my daughters watching, had my wife watching. You’ve got a good friend in a sport and you become very, very passionate about it.”
Bo Levi Mitchell
Herbert is from Regina. That’s Roughriders country.
“Certainly, I grew up in Regina, so you bleed Green. When you watch the interviews with the swaggering, Texas accent, cocky American, you think ‘I hate this guy.’ But it’s good to be hated in sport, cause it means you’re good. When I got to meet him I found that he’s a really nice guy, he works hard, his leadership is great, he’s a good family man, good dad and good husband and we have great times with his wife and kids.“
Ben Hebert
The two have also bonded through golf. Which Mitchell concedes defeat more often than not.
They may be an odd couple, but even just after one episode, you can hear the chemistry.
Topics range from sports, to gambling, with known Canadian athletes, from the CFL and other sports, and is a great way to pass this downtime for league fans, while also staying in-the-know.